Taget ur en film?

When it comes to love, it's either there, or it's not.
It's as simple as that.

You can analyze it all you want, but you can't force yourself to fall in love with someone simply because he or she looks good on paper.

That's not love. That's settling.

That said, you also can't fight a feeling if it's already there, and if that's the case, sometimes you just need to sit back and let nature take it's course. Things happen when they're meant to happen, so why fight the feeling when it feels so good?

Det här är så jävla bra sagt och jag är säker på att detta är repliker ur en film. Men vilken för bövelen? Kan ni hjälpa mig nu?

Postat av: www.Justfuckinggoogleit.com

Boys and girls. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0204175/

Kom ihåg mig?

E-postadress: (publiceras ej)

